Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Foot Steps

They're following you
you don't know where they're going off to
But you find them quite amusing
and soon they will be snoozing
But then I find me looking back
I see no one and become afraid of an attack

But to tell you the truth I AM A LITTLE CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Me (Awesome friend of Oh Kieran)

Hi! It's me, not Oh Kieran. I'm her awesome friend that she is always talking about (I'm not telling who) >:D I have a nice little story for you all...

Ok, so a couple days ago I was walking out of wood shop, being weird as usual, when....(WOw!!!!!that is a rrreeeaaallllyyy long sentence. As you can see I can't stay on focus for long. Anyways..... back to the story! :D ) I saw this guy with this really weird expression on his face, and I realized that I was making this creepy, evil, random face as I turned the corner. The look on his face was priceless ( I also think my look was pretty good, although I didn't see it. I think it might have been the evilest face I've ever made >:D And if Kieran has talked about me you must know that I make a lot of evil faces "hint hint"). So anyways his face,.... it was like a mixture of being absolutely terrified and like "WOW!, what a freak!!!!".

Ya.............. that's it
I'M AT KIERAN'S HOUSE!!!!!!YAYZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

The conversation of the day

me and madeline were walking home and ofcourse Istart asking her about change (big mistake) here is how the conversation went
"do you like change Maza?"
"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" she says in a creepy voice, you know like the evil villains side kick that has the weird hump thingy well ya like that.
"I could totz imagine you saying that to your teacher" and yes I said totz.
"Ya and she'd be like "WHAT DO YOU MEAN "NO""
"Ya and then I'd pull out a cape and run out of the classroom hissing"
"And then she'd by like "WHAT THE OWWWW!!!" the ow is because I poked my finger by accedent on a pointy leaf while I was talking.
then madelines like "Ya she hurts here finger and forgets about me and goes back to her desk"
"um YA SURE!!!! ...... THATS HOW IT HAPPENED!!!!"
"Then I'd go to your class and say "hey kieran party!!!! WHOOOOO" and then you pull out your cape and we go running around the school with our random capes
"yes. yes indeed"
and then me and maza satrted hissing and running around in circles infront of everyone on the street :D