Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Joyfull days

Today I had the bestest day ever (and yes, I know, bestest is not a word, but thats not the point) on this very good day I went on a long hike on a feild trip and then had a pool party and at the pool part I'm pretty sure I freaked out the life gaurd and he thinks I'm a complet wacko because here are the lists of song I sung at the top of my lungs
The duck song (the one about the duck asking a guy at a lemonade stand for grapes)
dinosaurs go RAWR by amy can fly( and after I sang it I sarted makeing mt face thayt looks like a rabbid hamster :D hee hee I love that face and I did it hannahs face and she did it back to me ... were suck good friends :D)

Then I started staying under the water for more then a minute and a half and he looked very releved when I came back and after that I started screaming random things and singing normal songs but making them sound weird by making my voice go low and high and low and high... and the list of weird things with my friends is endless but you get the idea, so as you can see I had a great day with a bunch of splashing people in the face... oh and did I menchion they had a trampoline cause they did and one of my friends kept on asking me to on with her and vice versa. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... ya. OH! and I'm geting the next book of a seirs I'm reading it's called shiver I recomend it it's really good. OH! and the next book in the seris is called linger annnnnnnd... I'm sorry I'm trying to make a really long blog because I have nothing better to do and I'm tierd for the day so I don't want to do more exercise like I want to, Well I guess thats as much as I can say gooooooooooooood happiness oh I really hope your happy if I'm ltalking to some one because I'm one of those people who are high on life :D bye bye.

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